Bill McCarthy wrote:
On Sun 30-Jul-06 2:05pm -0600, you wrote:

Bill McCarthy wrote:
On Sun 30-Jul-06 4:56am -0600, Christian Ebert wrote:

* A.J.Mechelynck on Sunday, July 30, 2006 at 10:59:55 +0200:
Looks like AsNeeded didn't find <SID>Tlist_Session_Load in taglist because taglist's "script number" had changed from 23 to something else, or because taglist wasn't reloaded (yet?). Try moving taglist out of AsNeeded's scope and having it load unconditionally. I don't know AsNeeded well enough to know if it's a bug or not.
I don't know what you could possible mean, Tony, by "moving
taglist out of AsNeeded's scope .."  As I explained, both
AsNeeded and taglist are the only files in vimfiles\plugin.
There is nothing in vimfiles\AsNeeded.

taglist uses au FuncUndefined as its own AsNeeded mechanism. This
might collide with AsNeeded.
That leads to a work-around of sourcing taglist a second
time by adding to _vimrc:

    ru plugin\taglist.vim

Perhaps a better solution is to change taglist by adding a
check for a global variable - if present, complete sourcing
without the double load mechanism.

Hm. Maybe the order in which they load is relevant? If they are in the
same directory, Vim will (IIUC) load them in alphabetical order; but if
one of them is in ~/.vim/plugin (or, on Windows, ~/vimfiles/plugin) and
the other in $VIM/vimfiles/plugin, the former will be sourced before the
latter. (And anything in $VIMRUNTIME/plugin will be sourced after both.)

The order of load doesn't appear to matter.  What I think
matters is the precedence of the triggering of FuncUndefined
- here are the triggers as listed by ':au':

    *         call AsNeeded(1,expand("<afile>"))
              source c:\util\home\vimfiles\plugin\taglist.vim
              source c:\util\home\vimfiles\plugin\taglist.vim
              source c:\util\home\vimfiles\plugin\taglist.vim
    Tlist_*   source c:\util\home\vimfiles\plugin\taglist.vim
    TagList_* source c:\util\home\vimfiles\plugin\taglist.vim

AsNeeded appears to take control first and can't find a
solution in its AsNeeded directory - so it fails.

Autocommands for a common event are executed in the order they were defined; so if they are defined by their respective plugins, they will be executed in the same order the plugins were sourced. Try (if you didn't yet) moving the AsNeeded plugin to the plugin subdir of a directory listed later in 'runtimepath' than where taglist sits, e.g. taglist in $HOME/vimfiles/plugin and AsNeeded in $VIM/vimfiles/plugin (typically C:\Program Files\vim\vimfiles\plugin ).

Then again, maybe AsNeeded should allow for the possibility that other plugins might hook the FuncUndefined event?

Best regards,

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