Hi Charles,

Thanks for the response, I have just updated vimball + netrw again...

| >* URLs with question marks in them, like
| >http://www.grida.no/products.cfm?pageID=13
| I just tried it; this appears to work (under linux).  Is there still a 
| problem with windows/cygwin?

This is still a problem under windows/non-cygwin (I haven't tried under
cygwin). I get "E480: No match[...]"

| >* FTP listings from a windows ftp server
| I think the current version addresses this.

I just tried, and it doesn't seem like that. MS Windows IIS/ftp server
return a non-standard directory listing by default (can be set to do a
unix-type dir listing), and netrw is not parsing them properly. This should
be easy to test, one just needs to start up the ftp service on a windows
machine to see this...

| >* a http url with a trailing slash starts an ftp session, like 
| >http://maps.grida.no/arctic/
| The trailing slash indicates to netrw that its supposed to be handling 
| a directory.  Netrw only supports two methods for browsing 
| directories: ftp and ssh. If the file transfer protocol is either http 
| or ftp, then ftp is used (for browsing).  If the file transfer 
| protocol is anything else, then ssh is used.  Attempts to use wget or 
| curl (two of the programs used to handle http://... ) doesn't yield a 
| listing.
|  Perhaps you want netrw to attach an "index.html" automatically?

The "http" prefix should tell that this is a URL that should be retrieved
using the http protocol and nothing else. A URL with a trailing slash is
still a fully valid URL, and doesn't not signify directories or anything
like that on the www. I would really like netrw to just pass any
http-prefixed URLs directly to curl/wget, and definately not attaching
anything to them! :)

Cheers and thanks,

Hugo Ahlenius
fraxinus (at) oxel.net

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