M. Edward (Ed) Borasky wrote:
Yakov Lerner wrote:
On 8/4/06, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I recently updated to vim 7.0 on a Gentoo Linux system. Since then,
some, but not all, of my editing sessions start out normally. After a
second or two, though, the file is shifted right two columns and numbers
appear in the first column and ">" signs in the second column. What does
this mean? How can I turn it off?

It's probably "signs" (:help sign). To remove all signs:
         :sign unplace *
Some plugin must have turned it on.


Yep ... that fixed it. Thanks! I've been using the built-in defaults. Up until last night, I didn't even have a .vimrc file with any special options. I think it's coming in with the default syntax coloring. It does it on Perl, Ruby and bash files but not on R code. On C code, it does some other things with "context". If it matters, I built from source on Gentoo with the following options set: "bash-completion cscope gpm nls perl python ruby vim-pager vim-with-x".

It also does this on CygWin's "vim". That I didn't build; it comes in binary form from the CygWin distribution.

I'm not sure what the "options" you mention mean.

My version of gvim has the capability to show signs ( has("signs") is 1 and ":version" includes +signs), but I never saw a blank column at left, not even in bash scripts (the other files I commonly edit are HTML pages and Vim scripts; I also view the Vim help).

My gvim is configured by sourcing the following script before running make:

export CONF_OPT_GUI='--enable-gnome-check'
export CONF_OPT_PERL='--enable-perlinterp'
export CONF_OPT_PYTHON='--enable-pythoninterp'
export CONF_OPT_TCL='--enable-tclinterp --with-tcl=tclsh8.4'
export CONF_OPT_RUBY='--enable-rubyinterp'
export CONF_OPT_MZSCHEME='--enable-mzschemeinterp'
export CONF_OPT_CSCOPE='--enable-cscope'
export CONF_OPT_MULTIBYTE='--enable-multibyte'
export CONF_OPT_OUTPUT='--enable-fontset'
export CONF_OPT_FEAT='--with-features=huge'

(each "export NAME=value" statement on a single line) but it ends up with -python -mzscheme -xfontset (I guess because of missing "development" packages). I built it from Bram's official sources (7.0, and 42 patches) on a system calling itself "Novell-SuSE Linux 9.3 Professional".

You may have a "system" vimrc, typically $VIM/vimrc with no dot or underscore in the filename (but IIUC that can be overridden at compile-time); or some other plugin may have set those signs.

You may want to determine which script or plugin is responsible: search for the word "sign" (i.e. the pattern /\<sign\>/ ) in the scripts listed in the output of the ":scriptnames" command.

You may also list all signs by means of ":sign place" with no arguments.

For more details, see
        :help startup
        :help :scriptnames
        :help sign.txt
        :help :version

Best regards,

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