On Sat, Aug 05, 2006 at 05:53:56AM EDT, Andrei A. Voropaev wrote:
> Hi!
> Can anyone explain me how the font for menu in GUI is selected? I have 3
> computers with the same set of fonts and the same configuration for
> fonconfig, the same version of gvim (different GTK though) and on all
> 3 machines I get different menu font :) The worse is on the laptop.
> There the font is large and in Bold, so it takes quite a big portion of
> the fairly small screen :)

Does this affect all gtk apps or just gvim?

In my case all gtk apps -- such as gimp, mozilla, .. were using the same
oversized and rather ugly font.

If you problem is only with gvim you can probably ignore the following.

I solved my global gtk font problems by editing the contents of:


..yes, *both* of them *and* on the same system..!!

Other options:

. if you have the gnome desktop installed there is a nice interactive
  option that let's you change gtk menu/dialog fonts (sizes.. styles..)

. if you don't have access to gnome you could try gtk-theme-switch or
  gtk-theme-switch2 that also let you change gtk fonts on the fly.

If would be careful editing the .gtkrc files.. IIRC, there's a comment
in the default files that says something like "automatically gen'd..
don't edit.." so you probably want to save their current contents
somewhere before doing anything. 



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