On Mon, 14 Aug 2006 at 9:02pm, Eddy Zhao wrote:

> Hi Hari:
> Problems reported yesterday
>  - Put the "set shellslash" in vimrc solves most of the backward-slash
>    May be it's worth mention in the plugin doc.

I think a better option is to replace backslashes with forwardslashes in
the plugin itself. If <Tab> inserted path with the right slashes, you
wouldn't have faced this problem, so this is a bug in lookupfile.

>  - I can't reproduce the "Press TAB, C-b, find a lot of error message"
> problem today,
>    I'll report the problem when I find the way to reproduce it.


>  - MRU.vim provide history to files (not buffers) recently used. It is
> especially
>    useful in switching between serveral frequently accessed
> directories (even between
>    vim sessions). Combined with current lookupfile, user can locate
> file even more
>    effeciently.

I looked at this plugin. It doesn't provide any interface to access this
list programmatically, so we need to somehow get this patched up.

> Problems find today
>  - When path is very long (exceed screen width), find
> directory-content-window's filelist is messed up

This seems to be a bug in completion. As a workaround, I am going to
enable 'wrap' in this buffer. This seems to avoid the problem, though
you will not then utilize the screen real estate properly.

>  - Input wrong path, RETURN, find input focus is automatically move to
> the line beginning. It's more desirable that the input focus remain at
> line end to facilitate user correct the last path segment
>  - Input wrong path, RETURN, move to line end and delete the last path
> segment, input correct path segment keyword, find popup-match-window
> not showup
>  - Input wrong path, RETURN, move to line end and delete the last path
> segment, input intact correct path segment (not path keyword), RETURN,
> find an empty buffer opened (instead of popup
> directory-content-window)
>  - Sometimes, the following error msg popup serveral times when open
> file thru lookupfile (after that file is opened successfully). The
> problem can't be reproduced everytime (and can't find out how to
> reproduce it)
>       Error detected while processing function
> <SNR>74_AcceptFile..<SNR>33_IdoAccept..lookupfile#AcceptFile:
>       line    15:
>       E121: Undefined variable: g:LookupFile_LookupNotifyFunc

All the above problems are due to calling LookupNotifyFunc prematurely,
which is doing an internal reset. I now moved the call to a different
location, and now it will reset only when the validation has already
been done.

>     My vimrc configuration is
>       command! WalkCur :exec "LUWalk" expand('%:p:h').'/'
>       nmap <unique> <silent> w :WalkCur<CR>
>       nmap <unique> <silent> b :LUBufs<CR>
>       let g:LookupFile_PreserveLastPattern=0
>       let g:LookupFile_AlwaysAcceptFirst=1
>       let g:LookupFile_FileFilter =
> '\.class$\|\.o$\|\.obj$\|\.exe$\|\.jar$\|\.zip$\|\.war$\|\.tgz$\|\.ear$'
> Thanks
> Eddy

Thanks for your feedback. I now updated the version at the below URL, so
please give it another try:



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