On Fri, Aug 11, 2006 at 10:42:31AM EDT, striker wrote:
> I am using colorscheme vo_dark.  When I :set cul or use visual  
> highlighting, the color for the highlight is light gray and makes the  
> highlighted text very difficult to see.
> The first few lines are:
> let g:colors_name="VO Dark"
> hi normal guifg=darkgreen guibg=black ctermfg=darkgreen ctermbg=black
> hi StatusLine guifg=darkgreen guibg=black     ctermfg=darkgreen  
> ctermbg=black
> hi StatusLineNC guifg=darkgreen guibg=black   ctermfg=darkgreen  
> ctermbg=black
> hi VertSplit guifg=darkgreen guibg=black      ctermfg=darkgreen 
> ctermbg=black
> hi OL1 guifg=darkgreen        ctermfg=darkgreen
> hi OL2 guifg=red      ctermfg=red
> hi OL3 guifg=lightblue        ctermfg=lightblue
> hi OL4 guifg=violet   ctermfg=magenta
> hi OL5 guifg=darkgreen        ctermfg=darkgreen
> hi OL6 guifg=red      ctermfg=red
> hi OL7 guifg=lightblue        ctermfg=lightblue
> hi OL8 guifg=violet   ctermfg=magenta
> hi OL9 guifg=darkgreen        ctermfg=darkgreen
> My question is this:
>       What do I need to look for and change in order to implement a new  
> color for the highlighting?
Sorry I'm behind with my howmework ..

What's "cul"..?

Is it a new feature with Vim 7.0?

Here, :help cul says

E149: Sorry, no help for cul



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