Meino Christian Cramer wrote:

 Suppose the following piece of C-code:

      * This is a comment
* It does say nothing []

 The "[]" marks the current cursor position.
 When hitting <RET> in this situation, Mr. Cursor will jump
 right below the prevous lines "*" adding another "* " to continue
 the comment -- not knowing, that the programmer has finished the
 comment already and wants to start programming "real code" ;) .

 Would it possible (or isit already possible) to convince vim from
 acting as follows:

 Rule 1: When Mr. Cursor is positioned in a comment line of more than
             only a '*' and <RET> is entered, continue the comment with
             the next '*'

 Rule 2: When Mr. Cursor is positioned in a comment line containing
                 only a '*' and <RET> is entered close the lonely '*'of the
                 current line with a '/' and jump into the next line without
                 adding anothe '*'

 Would make hacking code a little faster...

 Hopeing not to have invented the wheel a third time...

 Keep hacking!

With the default setting of 'comments', which includes "ex:*/", typing the / after the middle part of the three-piece comment has been inserted, will end the three-part comment. Thus in the example you give, hit Enter, (Vim inserts * on a new line), hit slash (Vim suppresses the space between * and /), hit Enter again, and there won't be any comment leader on the next line.

Note: It is quite legitimate to have one long three-piece comment with blank lines (well, lines with only the *) in the middle, separating paragraphs.

See ":help format-comments" which is 111 lines long in my version of change.txt (for Vim 7.0, last change 2006 May 05).

Best regards,

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