On Mon, 2006-08-21 at 23:47:56 -0400, cga2000 sent:
>Someone on the list recently suggested I use "gqip" to reflow
>paragraphs and I was going to suggest that.  Much to my delight,
>I later found that it also preserved the ">" characters in
>e-mail messages, so I was going to recommend using that.
Indeed. This would work well for a given paragraph.

>:h gq tells me that the general format is gq{motion} .. but what
>kind of motion is "ip"..?  "i" should move the cursor up just
>one line but what about "p"..?
Close but no cigar. 'k' would move up a line. 'ip' is Inner


:he ip

:he object-motions will help you speed up your Vim usage.



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