Max Dyckhoff wrote:
I'm sorry, perhaps I wasn't being clear enough. I don't want a timeout
to ever occur for a mapping. timeout and ttimeout are both set to "no"
(or whatever the correct syntax for describing such options is).

Here are two use cases. Again, I apologise for the clumsy syntax.

* Move cursor
* Type ^w
* Wait updatetime from cursor movement
* Observe mapping timeout

* Move cursor
* Wait updatetime
* Type ^w
* Observe no mapping timeout

If I set updatetime=1 then the timeout never occurs, because the second
use case is followed, but I want updatetime to be around 1000. :verbose
au CursorHold shows that the only CursorHold au is one set from

autocmd CursorHold *
\   if generate_tags != 0
\ |     call s:SetTagDisplay()
\ | endif

Is this au timing out my mapping? Can I make it stop doing so without
removing the au or altering the updatetime?



Aha! Could be. What is generate_tags set to?

In any case, we might try to work around it; maybe the following would work (but you would have to hit the Enter key after the ^W subcommand):

        :map    <C-W>     :wincmd<Space>

Best regards,

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