Paul Irofti wrote:
Hi vimers,

I have a problem since my latest update to vim7. My vimrc file contains, among other things, set vb t_vb=. Because I don't like any kind of beeps or other warnings.

Now, after the update, it gives me a visual beep/warning although I have the same vimrc. If I issue at runtime:

:set vb t_vb=

it's all back to normal. No more visual effects!

By doing

        :verbose set vb? t_vb?

you'll be able to see which script (if any) last set these options. (I wonder what it may be).

Note that if you use gvim, t_vb is reset at its gvim default when starting the GUI (after having sourced the vimrc). You may want to set it to empty in both your vimrc (to avoid a visual bell in Console Vim) and your gvimrc (for the GUI).

Or if you don't want to bother with a gvimrc just for that, use the following in your vimrc:

        set vb t_vb=
        if has('+autocmd') && exists('##GUIEnter')
                au GUIEnter * set t_vb=

Best regards,

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