
 I have downloaded "The Vim Outliner" (tvo) version 122 (1.22?) and I
 am using it with vim 7.066 on a Gentoo Linux ( vanilla

 In the readme.otl to tvo there the following mentioned:

            Display operations
                \1  show level 1
                \2  show level 2
                \3  show level 3
                \4  show level 4
                \5  show level 5
                \6  show level 6
                \7  show level 7
                \8  show level 8
                \9  show level 9
                \a  show all
                \t  toggle showing text

 Additionally I created a file like this:

    Heading Level 0
    :Note for Lebel 0
        Heading Level 1
        : Note for Level 1
            Heading Level 2
            : Note for Level 2
                Heading Level 3
                : Note for Level 3
                    Heading Level 4
                    : Note for Level 4
                        Heading Level 5
                        : Note for Level 5
                            Heading Level 6
                            : Note for Level 6
                                Heading Level 7
                                : Note for Level 7
                                    Heading Level 8
                                    : Note for Level 8
                                        Heading Level 9
                                        : Note for Level 9
                                            Heading Level A
                                            : Note for Level A

 (to make this mail more "stable" I removed all <TAB>s after

 My question: When using the \x (x := [1-9at]) commands from above,
 they do simply nothing. I check with :map wheter there is anoter
 maplocalleader defined but it ios not. Furthermore, the commands are

 I am sure, the bug is sitting in front of my monitor, but what I am
 doing wrong here ???

 Kind regards,

 ("Readme.otl" of the tvo-package is displayed correctly (an does not
 react on \x also) so...for the moment I thing tvo is installed

 Kind regards,

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