On Mon, 4 Sep 2006, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
> I don't know about gentoo, but packaged distributions are always several steps
> behind the "real world". The 66 patches between 7.0.17 and 7.0.83 don't make
> the latter "bleeding-edge" and the former "stable"; rather, they make the
> latter "up-to-date" and the former "obsolescent". See at
> http://ftp.vim.org/pub/vim/patches/7.0/ (http://, not ftp://) what these
> patches are all about; and see at
> http://users.skynet.be/antoine.mechelynck/vim/compunix.htm how to compile Vim
> for yourself from Bram Moolenaar's latest sources without waiting for gentoo
> or somebody to compile and package them. It's really easy once you get the
> hang of it.
In gentoo, compiling ("emerging") vim means compiling 3 packages:
vim-core, vim and gvim. Assuming that the sources are likewise triple
(as opposed to the tripartition being a gentoo modification), I would
probably be able to compile it and install it to /usr/local without
confusing the gentoo system. But what about other packages related to
vim, which I may want to have installed some day (vimpython, vimpart,
whatever)?. I'm not sure I want to do this without knowing what really
causes the problems. But I'll take a look at the sites you mentioned.
> > > - Change colorscheme, or write your own
> > I had a costumized colour scheme, which worked before, and still works
> > now, after downgrading. But note that colour is not the only problem.
> > Indenting went away, too. I checked my .vimrc. It has "filetype plugin
> > indent on". I also checked the differences between new and old
> > /etc/vim/vimrc. They seem trivial.
> > BTW, I'm not sure I understand about colour schemes: what I costumized
> > are things like the colour of the selected area in visual mode and such.
> Think of a Vim color scheme as you would of a "skin" or "theme" for another
> program.
> Basically, a colorscheme is a script which takes all the color-related
> statements (":highlight", mostly) out of your vimrc and into a separate script
> so you can change colors at will without messing up everything else in your
> vimrc. I'm attaching a fairly simple colorscheme which is the one I use. You
> can apply it as-is (by dropping it into ~/.vim/colors/ -- make the directory
> if it doesn't exist -- and adding "colorscheme almost-default" to your vimrc)
> or change it to your heart's content. There are also "standard" colorschemes
> in the Vim distribution (at $VIMRUNTIME/colors/*.vim), and you can download
> others from the Web, e.g. at vim-online. In gvim, all available colorschemes
> on your computer are listed in the "Edit -> Color Scheme" menu.
This is what I thought. But it seems completely orthogonal to filetype
> > I didn't touch anything related with filetypes. With the new version,
> > the problem is not that the colours are not to my liking, it's that they
> > are synctatical nonsense (same keyword sometimes coloured, sometimes
> > not, blocks of code all pink for no apparent good reason,...).
> A "block of code all pink" can be a symptom of an unbalanced quotation mark
> somewhere. Otherwise, send me one of your perl source files, or a URI to it,
I know. This sort of thing happens sometimes, but this time I opened a
file that looked OK before and is OK now after downgrading.
> and I'll tell you how it looks in my gvim 7.0.83. Tell me "what looked wrong"
> in your 7.0.17 and I'll tell you if it looks the same here. But since I'm not
> a perl programmer myself, it may be that I can tell you "how" it looks but not
> necessarily "why" it looks that way.
    768 sub reloadlist{
    769         my $self=shift;
    770         opendir(D,$logdir) || do{
    771                 print "Couldn\'t open directory ${logdir}: $!";
    772                 return 1;
    773         };
    774         my @heavy=grep(!/^\./, readdir(D));
    775         closedir D || do{
    776                 print "Couldn\'t close directory ${logdir}: $!";
    777                 return 1;
    778         };
    779         my @light=();
    780         for (@heavy){
    781                 /^[^_]*_(.*)/;
    782                 push @light, $1;
    783         }
    784         my @numbers=();
    785         my $number=0;
    786         my $former='';
    787         for (@light){
    788                 if($_ eq $former){
    789                         $number++;
    790                 }else{
    791                         $number=1;
    792                 }
    793                 push @numbers, $number;
    794         }
    795         my %heavy=();
    796         for ([EMAIL PROTECTED]){
    797                 $heavy{$light[$_-1]}{$numbers[$_-1]}=$heavy[$_-1];
    798         }
    799         @light=sort @light;
    800         $self->{'light'[EMAIL PROTECTED];
    801         $self->{'heavyarr'[EMAIL PROTECTED];
    802         $self->{'numbers'[EMAIL PROTECTED];
    803         $self->{'heavy'}=\%heavy;
    804         return 1;
    805 }

Don't bother about the code. Its logic is wrong, that's why I was
editing it. After line 777 or so, everything went pink. It didn't like
the "print" in line 776. As I said, it looks OK now, in 6.4. You'll
notice immediately if the same problem manifests with your vim.

Vim does a very good job dealing with perl syntax. This problem came as
a really bad surprise.
> Best regards,
> Tony.
Thanks again.


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