Hari Krishna Dara wrote:

> I asked a couple of questions below, but I solved the last one
> ('ignorecse') by implementing a filter() myself, so it is not an issue.
> The other question is on why "{}" works on win32 GVIM (7.0 version
> compiled by you) is not important, though a confirmation that yes, that
> is supposed to work will be great. It can then also be documented to
> avoid confurion in the future (as this works on posix platforms also, it
> might be important for someone to know what characters are special and
> need escaped in some situations).

I don't know why {} works in Win32 Gvim.  I don't really have time to
figure it out.  Perhaps someone else can dig into the code.

> I have another question related to this. According to the help on
> |file-pattern|, there is no significance for "^" and "$" characters, but
> I have been using them with bufnr() to be able to do an exact match on
> filenames. I have a suspicion that they were suggested by you when I had
> a question on how to restrict bufnr() to do this exact match (probably
> about 5 years ago). The function is defined like this:
> function! s:FindBufferForName(fileName)
>   let fileName = genutils#Escape(a:fileName, '[?,{')
>   let _isf = &isfname
>   try
>     set isfname-=\
>     set isfname-=[
>     let i = bufnr('^' . fileName . '$')
>   finally
>     let &isfname = _isf
>   endtry
>   return i
> endfunction
> It has been working great, but since I am using what seem like
> undocumented features, I just wanted your perusal on my usage, as well
> as getting it documented such that this will not be broken in a future
> change.

This is documented: A full match is preferred over a partial match.
Internally the ^ and $ are added to find a match, only if this fails
they are left out.  Thus if you _only_ want to find a full match you
should add the ^ and $.

ARTHUR:  Be quiet!
DENNIS:  --but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more--
ARTHUR:  Be quiet!  I order you to be quiet!
WOMAN:   Order, eh -- who does he think he is?
ARTHUR:  I am your king!
                                  The Quest for the Holy Grail (Monty Python)

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