On 9/17/06, Meino Christian Cramer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 a few years ago I had to edit text files on a big iron (IBM) and a OS
 called "TCO" or such.

 The editor was [CENSORED] but there was one feature I miss since

 One could hide lines matching or !matching a certain pattern. Any
 further edit actions were only executed with the visible lines as
 target. Regardless what you were doing -- only the visible lines were
 affected. You had to give the "unhide" command explicitely to return
 to "full text mode".

Tim gave you the solution (:foldd). But I think there is
one small problem with operating on non-folded lines;
not with Tim's solution but with  folding in general.

Namely, you cannot fold single line.

So if you want to protect separate, single-standing
lines from :folddo, you cannot.

On the other hand, there is not limit on number of lines
*between* folds. You can perfectly have
1 line between folds. But you cannot have 1 line *in*
the fold.

It follows that there's certain asymmetry between operating
on unfolded lines vs operating on folded lines.


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