On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 12:05:30PM EDT, Ivan Vecerina wrote:
> This is a problem I am occasionally stumbling on:
> as I am done typing some new next in insert mode, I want
> to highlight and erase some text ahead of the insert point.
> Best case, I can type:   <ESC>lv
> But if I am at the end of the line, this won't work
>  (the last character I inserted will be selected as well).
> It would be nice if there was a convenient way to go
> directly from insert mode to visual mode, while ensuring
> that the visual selection starts at the current insertion
> point.
> Is there an easy way to do so ?

I do a Ctrl-O and then the lv commands .. May be convenient or er ..
less so .. depending on where you want to start you visual highlighting.
If you need to prefix three of four movement commands by a Ctrl-O to get
there it may be worth your while to escape back to command mode.




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