On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 05:55:31PM EDT, Dasn wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 06:05:30PM +0200, Ivan Vecerina wrote:
> > This is a problem I am occasionally stumbling on:
> > as I am done typing some new next in insert mode, I want
> > to highlight and erase some text ahead of the insert point.
> > 
> > Best case, I can type:   <ESC>lv
> I prefer using "<C-O>v" or "<C-\><C-O>v" to switch to Visual mode
> temporarily

Shoot .. this was hidden on the next page and I didn't see it until it
was too late ..

:-( :-( :-(

Oh well .. should convince the OP that this is the way to go.. 

And then it may have the opposite effect...




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