On 10/9/06, Billy Patton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have used this file for years.  I got laid off and rehired 10 months
later.  I was using it steadily for the last 10 years.  Then after the 10
months it no longer works.
Everything works properly in gvim but it doesn't in vim.
I have the function keys programmed,  I espically use f1-4.

" F1 show buffers
map <f1>  :buffers<CR>

- What is your $TERM (echo $TERM)

- What does this show: :set <F1>  ?

- What does vim show on screen when you do the following:
    Press i to enter insert mode
    Press Ctrl-V
    Press F1

- Which terminal do you use (xterm ,konsole, urxvt, ...); which
Linux ?


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