On 10/15/06, Zheng Da <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I want to open a file, and I know its name, but don't know the path.
I want to use the command "find". For example I want to open the file
space.cc, and use the command :find space.cc. I know the file may be
in the current directory, or the subdirectories, but always get the
error E345: Cannot find file "space.cc" in path. I use the default
path, it should be .,/usr/include,,. (I use Linux).
So what's the problem? And how to open the file I want?

Try 'set acd'. Maybe you expect that '.' is same as dir of currently
open file but it actually isn't. Failing that, try the following:

Try to create reproducible sequence of commands
starting from 'vim -u NONE' that demonstrates the problem in such
simplest and compelte way that
others can reproduce it. Send this sequence to the list.
For example:

cd ~
touch x.cc # create file x.cc in current directory
cd /tmp
vim -u NONE # start vim with all default/clean settings
set path=.,/usr/include,,
find ............



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