that would be very interesting

I´m a little lazy, I like to learn things quickly. I really found that
something is missing between the first tut and :help universe.

I also like the idea of making people discover new things and understand

vim-2 wrote:
> Hi everobody,
> I recently had a very similar conversation with three guys on #vim 
> (
> Basicaly, there is two official help for Vim:
>     - the vimtutor
>     - :help
> And that's basically it.
> :help being your Vim dictionnary/encyclopedia/bible, it's very complete 
> and has everything in it but it's hardcore to read and understand.  
> Unfortunately, it's not easy at all to go through and to 'get' the way 
> it works.
> I believe that there is room between vimtutor and :help to have some 
> beginner to intermediate tutorial that will take you by the hand and 
> bring you through the Vim universe in a nice and easy way.  Let's not 
> forget (especially for the Vim gurus out there) that Vim is very 
> powerful but because of that it can be very hard to understand sometimes 
> or even to adapt to it and make it your favourite text editor.
> Of course Google is your friend but the sheer ammount of tutorials out 
> there can easily make you go left, right and center and basically not 
> teach you anything useful but some 'tips and tricks' that is cool but 
> won't make you code faster or deeply understand Vim.
> So I think that there is room for some official tutorial after the 
> vimtutor and before a perfect use of the ultimate :help.  The tutorial 
> will totally avoid to be a scientific precision on 
> how-to-exactly-define-terms-the-best-way-possible-using-the-less-words-possible.
> The tutorial should be well written and take time to explain things to 
> novice in simple words.  The idea is to bring people to the Vim highway 
> efficiently.  Such a basic tutorial could _also_ help novices to avoid 
> asking questions that will make any Vim guru feel like saying: 'RTFM'
> As an example, here are some topics proposed:
> Non-technical:
> - Phylosophy behind Vim
>     Where you would learn why it will help you to be faster in your 
> everyday coding and what the user has to understand to truely enjoy Vim 
> (talk about the need to touch-type to be truely efficient for instance)
> - Phylosophy behind the three modes (Normal, Visual, Insert)
> - Phylosophy behind the command line mode
> - Differences between Vi and Vim
> - Explain the folder structure and how the various config files work
> - Differences between Vim on Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix and console use
> - Configure once, use everywhere (or how to adapt your config to a 
> different platform)
> - etc.
> Technical:
> - The big apple : Think different!
>     Where you would learn that you need to think gg instead of 
> 'CTRL-home' or xp to invert the order of two letters etc.  This could 
> have a list of standard keyboard shortcuts mapped to a list of Vim 
> shortcuts.
> - Basics of Vim variables (:set :let etc.)
> - My first function : hello world!
> - Basic understanding of filetypes
> - Basic folding
> - Basics of syntax highlighting
> - Basic mappings & abbreviations
> - etc.
> Help!  I need somebody
> - Phylosophy behind the :help command: how to 'think' :help
> - How to use :help efficiently
> - Good references to go one step further
> - etc.
> Of course, this is only a guide of what would be useful to a beginner 
> but I firmy believe that some official tutorial is needed.  Maybe this 
> could be achieved by doing a 'best off' the various tutorials already 
> available.
> Let me know what you think of this,
> Laurent
> A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
>> Meghdad Azriel wrote:
>>> I was just kidding ;)
>>> I know that they are not secret but, they´re not that intuitive... 
>>> and i´m
>>> still learning how to use that help  effectivelly...
>>> maybe I neet to read those basic files with care...
>> [...]
>> To use the help effectively, one should learn to use the tools Vim 
>> itself includes to search the help (see, among others, ":help :help" 
>> and ":help :helpgrep"):
>>     :help <topic>
>> brings you to the help for <topic> if there is one, otherwise to some 
>> help topic "resembling" what you typed
>>     :help pattern<Tab>
>> completes your command-line with the first help topic matching the 
>> pattern. Hit <Tab> again to see the next one. Hit Ctrl-D to see them 
>> all. If you have 'wildmenu' on, the bottom status line will be 
>> replaced by a "menu" of possible matches: hit <Left> or <Right> to 
>> select, <Enter> to accept, <Esc> to abort.
>>     :helpgrep pattern
>> searches the whole help text for /pattern/. The results are used to 
>> build a "quickfix error list" (see ":help quickfix.txt"). Then the 
>> following commands may come useful:
>>     :cn[ext]
>>     :cp[revious] or :cN[ext]
>>     :cnf[ile]
>>     :cpf[ile] or :cNf[ile]
>>     :cfir[st] or :cr[ewind]
>>     :cla[st]
>> to navigate the list, displaying the helpfiles with the cursor on a 
>> match;
>>     :cope[n]
>> to open the list of matching lines in its own split-window, where you 
>> can position the cursor on any of those lines then hit <Return> to see 
>> the same line in context in its helpfile;
>>     :ccl[ose]
>> to close the quickfix window, even if it is not the current window. 
>> (Brackets represent the optional part of the command names: e.g. 
>> ":cp[revious]" means that the ":cprevious" command can be abbreviated 
>> to any of :cp :cpr :cpre :cprev etc.)
>> If you often use the ":helpgrep" command and/or other quickfix 
>> commands such as ":make" ":vimgrep" etc., you may find the following 
>> mappings handy (replace the left-hand side by whatever suits you):
>>     :map    <F2>      :cnext<CR>
>>     :map    <S-F2>    :cprev<CR>
>> Best regards,
>> Tony.

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