I have folding enabled to fold code when I edit a file. However I would like to also be able
to view specific lines (via the option +<num> on the command line.)

Can you write code to detect this option and not fold the code ?

You omit some important details:

1) what is your foldmethod? (":set foldmethod?") If it's anything other than "manual", there's no easy recourse to "not fold the code", but you can open that fold rather than close it.

2) I presume by "+<num> on the command line", you mean at the shell's command-line rather than vim's command-line. This only allows you to jump to *one* particular line number rather than a plurality of lines.

Making the assumption that you've got some auto-folding going on where you can't actually delete folds and that you just want to open a given list of folds, you may want something like this v7.0-only

  for line in [3,14,15,92,653] | exec line.'norm zO' | endfor

Or, if you have pre-7.0, you could do something like

:g/^/if line =~ '^\(3\|14\|15\|92\|653\)$' | exec 'norm zO' | endfor

That second one also can be modified for opening lines matching given patterns:

  :g/regexp/norm zO

or, if the pattern/line-number doesn't always end up in a fold, you can protect it with

  :g/regexp/if foldlevel(line('.')) > 0 | exec 'norm zO' | endif

You should be able to use some combination of these, and perhaps a BufLoad event to get your files to open with particular folds if desired.


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