Eddy Zhao wrote:
Though status line shows imd is being reset while change from nomal
mode to insert mode, but IM is not enabled (in other words, scim input
window is not popup when return back to insert mode). That's the
problem I encountered. Anything else I can try to debug to nail down
the problem?


I don't use the IM myself, but I have read some of the help about it.

IIUC, the 'iminsert' influences whether Vim uses an input method:

&imi == 2   IM is active
&imi == 1   keymaps and language-mappings are active if defined
&imi == 0   neither

See ":help 'iminsert'" for details. If you aren't using Athena or Motif, you should be able to leave either 'imd' constantly off or 'imi' constantly at 2.

Best regards,

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