On 12/2/06, Martin Krischik <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Am Samstag, 2. Dezember 2006 14:32 schrieb Yakov Lerner:
> I prepared the file with russian characters in utf8, the russian alphabet:
>            # russian alphabet in utf-8
>            абвгдеёжзиклмнопрстуфхцчшщэюя
>  I set the 'konsole' encoding to utf8.
>  When I 'cat' this file, I see russian alphabet, so I assume it's
> correct utf8 file.
>  Now when I vim this file, and 'enc' and  'fenc' are both set to utf8, but
>  vim shows blabks, no russian letters.  How do I fix it ?

I made a quick check on SuSE 10.1 - a german installations - and both vim and
gvim displayed the characters above ok on first try - I have not set anything
at all.

However: I use a home compiled "huge" version of (g)vim 7.0 with all options
on and (almost) all patches (incl. up to date runtime) applied. Same goes for
my KDE - it's latest (3.x) patch level as well.

Also both my konsole and my gvim are set to use "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" as

So the good news is: It does work - we only have to find out the differences
between your setup and mine.

My vim is build with +mbyte ('huge' build). gvim shows russian letters.
vim under console, no. The linux is FC5.


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