On Thu, Nov 30, 2006 at 03:38:00PM +0100, Tanoor Dieng wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm a php developper and i'm using vim for my developments. Recently, i have
> tried the zend IDE.
> This IDE offers one particularly interesting feature: the possiblity to go
> on a class containing a function definition just by clicking on the function
> name. To do this, Zend IDE uses the php comments made using phpDocumentator.
> Now, here is my question: is there a way to simulate hyperlinks aka to say
> vim that when I click on a text portion, it must edit another file.
> Best regards,
> Tanoor.

     If I understand you correctly, you should generate a tags file for
your document.  According to its web site, exuberant ctags
supports PHP; you will have to read the docs to see whether that means
that it uses the phpDocumentator-generated comments.

     Once you know how to generate the tags file, read the parts of

:help tagsrch.txt

that seem useful.

HTH                                     --Benji Fisher

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