striker wrote:

My OS is Mac OS X 10.4.8, so yes, it is Unix/Linux based.
After I sent my original e-mail, I did think to check where $VIMRUNTIME was located. I removed all instances of anything vim* related.

I then attempted the :Nread command and got what I expected... E492: Not an editor command: Nread...

I then :so % the vimball and checked the runtime location for any netrw files. None were there.
Is there a way to make direct the installation where to install?
Is there a way to see where the source is installing? or a manual installation?

Do you have an up-to-date vimball? There's the same sort of issue with vimball as netrw; you'll need to remove all vestiges of the vim 7.0 vimball before installing the new one. However, vimball comes as a gzipped tarball so as to avoid requiring vimball to install vimball. You can get the latest version from my website ( You may install vimball in your distribution directories
or in your $HOME/.vim/ directories.  Then
 vim netrw.vba.gz
 :so %
should install netrw in your $HOME/.vim/ directories. After performing the steps above, you can
 cd $HOME/.vim
 ls */netrw*.*

and you should see a number of netrw plugin components.

vim .

should open netrw and show v107l (if you've gotten the latest netrw from my website).

Chip Campbell

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