John Cordes wrote:

On [2007-01-09 at 10:50am] Charles E Campbell Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
John Cordes wrote:

They both work well, but I frequently would like to run par
on a visual selection. I naively tried

vmap *^V  {!}par

but this fails with the message (when I try "* 55" on a
selected area)

:'<,'>!}par 55
shell returned 127
1. Get vis.vim from:

2. Select your block of text
:B !par

The "vis.vim" plugin provides the :B command, which allows
visual blocks/character/line selected regions to be handled
by ex-mode commands (such as :!par).

Thanks for the response. I usually would be using Shift-V to
select the lines for formatting; I take it vis.vim wouldn't
work in that case?
The example given above was for visual-block; Shift-V is visual line selection. All three visual selection methods: by block (ctrl-v), by character (v), and by line (V), are supported.

Chip Campbell

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