On 2007-01-15, Erin Spiceland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just got a new server and vim wasn't installed. I installed 7.0 from
> scratch, but there are some problems with missing features or features
> not working:
> 1. syntax highlighting doesn't work. It is turned on in vimrc but I
> haven't checked anything else.
> 2. using the arrows on the keyboard in insert mode puts A, B, C, or D
> and newline into the file instead of moving up, down, left, or right.
> 3. doesn't remember my command history
> 4. doesn't remember where I was in the file when I closed it.
> 5. only remembers 1 change, so I can't use the "u" command to undo more
> than 1 change.
> What can I do to fix these problems or enable these features?

#5 indicates that, as Tim said, you have 'cp' set.  But vim sets 
'nocp' automatically when it detects and sources an initialization 
file named .vimrc or _vimrc.  Therefore, it appears that your vimrc 
file is not being sourced, which would explain #1.

Executing :version will show you where your vim is looking for its 
initialization files and :scriptnames will show you the 
initialization files vim actually sourced.  Reading

    :help initialization

will also help you understand what should be happening when you 
start vim and may help you track down the root problem.


Gary Johnson                 | Agilent Technologies
[EMAIL PROTECTED]     | Wireless Division
                             | Spokane, Washington, USA

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