On Wed 24-Jan-07 1:41am -0600, Robert Cussons wrote: > I'm sorry, I know this should be a problem that I can > resolve for myself, but I have searched the vim help under > "bells" and "visualbell" and tried what it says and it > doesn't seem to work, so your help would be greatly > appreciated. Basically, I always get the beeping sound > when I press 'k' but I'm already at the top of the file, > for example and I want to turn it off. I am running vim > 7.0 on Windows XP Pro SP2. I have: > > set vb t_vb=''
To do this, all you need in your _vimrc is: set vb t_vb= That will eliminate sounds and flashing in Vim. For Gvim, you also need, in your _gvimrc: set t_vb= because entering the GUI sets 't_vb'. See :help 'vb' -- Best regards, Bill