Hi all :)

    I've discovered that ":helpgrep pattern" doesn't work for me, always
returning "E480" (BTW, ":help E480" shows help about "argdelete", as if
E numbers in source code and docs weren't synchronized).

    But that's not the weird part. If I search for a very common word
(let's say "most", for example), "helpgrep" returns the E480 error and
it does *lightning fast!*. That's the weird problem it is not doing the
search at all, and the E480 error is probably masking the real problem,
which I couldn't isolate.

    Finally, examining the source code, I found the problem. I have my
vim documentation installed in /usr/doc, which is where all
documentation is installed on my system. I've set "helpfile" so ":help"
finds the docs. BUT ":helpgrep" doesn't use "helpfile", but only
"runtimepath/doc". This is a problem for me, because no matter which
value I assign to "runtimepath", the documentation is not going to be
found in any "/doc" subdir!

    Given that "/usr/doc" or "/usr/share/doc" are pretty standard when
it comes to install documentation, shouldn't "ex_helpgrep" use the
directory from "helpfile" too, just like ":help" does?

    I'm not familiar enough with the source to be able to add support
for "helpfile" path to "ex_helpgrep" without resorting to a dirty hack,
but I can try... "ex_helpgrep" looks like it is tailored to only process
"runtimepath/doc" in the main loop, so any nonintrusive modification is
almost impossible.

    Any suggestion instead of modifying the sources *and* moving the
documentation? I would like to use ":helpgrep" O:)

    Thanks a lot in advance :)

    Raúl Núñez de Arenas Coronado

Linux Registered User 88736 | http://www.dervishd.net
It's my PC and I'll cry if I want to... RAmen!

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