
Thanx a lot for your fast response!

At my PC at home, ":help" works (that's why I can't tell you more about the 
missing help feature in the moment), but at my office PC (there I ran vim per 
X-Term under Unix, SunSolaris), there comes an error message, like "no help 
file found in /usr/local/share/vim7.0/vim/.../vim.hlp". The directory exists 
and all files, like the syntax files, are already there, but no vim.hlp.

What's wrong?

Best Regards, Doc

>Dr. Uwe Schneider wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have vim version 7.0 installed, but unfortunately no vim.hlp is delivered 
>with the package. Where I can get vim.hlp?
>> Any idea?
>> I would appreciate to get a hint on where I can download the help file or to 
>simply receive it per email attachment.
>> Thanx in advance!
>> Regards, Doc
>There is no vim.hlp. The vim help is called from within Vim using
>       :help
>       <F1>
>       :help <subject>
>The help system consists of a number of text files located in 
>$VIMRUNTIME/doc/*.txt and indexed by $VIMRUNTIME/doc/tags
>If you are a beginner to Vim, you can also start the "vimtutor" program, which 
>should have been installed together with Vim. It accepts one optional argument 
>which is a two-letter language code such as fr for French, nl for Dutch, etc. 
>If it doesn't find a tutor script in the required language, or if you omit the 
>language, you get the English tutor.
>Best regards,
>Save Soviet Jewry -- Win Valuable Prizes!!!!

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