Erlend Hamberg wrote:
On Friday 16 February 2007, A.J.Mechelynck wrote:
Maybe -- I've never understood how to properly use the * register under
X11. What comes from "Edit => Copy" (or Ctrl-C) in some non-Vim program
arrives in the + register in gvim, and what I yank into the + register in
gvim is available for "Edit => Paste" (or Ctrl-V) in any non-Vim program --
those I can understand.

In short:
X has, in addition to the regular clipboard, a selection buffer.
When you copy/cut text, it is placed in the clipboard (register + in vim). When you select text with the mouse it's placed in the selection buffer (register * in vim) without touching the clipboard.

I've been following this discussion and trying various things
but still can't get the hang of pasting in from other X programs.

So far the only thing that works is to use the mouse to select and copy with left click which allows me to paste in vim with xterm menu -> edit -> paste. Presumably this uses the vim + register.

I understand that copies elsewhere in X load the + register in vim
and mouse select loads the * register.

What doesn't seem to work is to paste + or * register stuff into vim. Could I see some specific examples?


Larry Alkoff N2LA - Austin TX
Using Thunderbird on Linux

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