Hi all,

In my first reply to this topic, I had in mind the 'small' keyboards without arrows keys (I first started to code BASIC on an Apple 2 and the T arrows weren't on the keyboard). This is why I said "although the use of h/j/k/l might have originated for other reasons back in the old 'vi' days". Thanks to Gene to confirm this and here is a picture of an ADM-3a keyboard: http://neil.franklin.ch/Computers/ADM-3A/IMG_0344.JPG.

About the wrist movement that's just as bad when you hit ESC as when you use the arrow keys: just do the movement in slow motion for yourself: Hitting ESC is merely a little stretch with your hand (I use my middle finger to hit ESC) while you have to move your arm, elbow, forearm and hand to use the arrows keys. Don't forget either that in 'motion' mode you have tons of other shortcuts that will speed up your typing and avoid you to 'move' your hand to HOME, END, PG-UP and PG-DOWN etc. And as Raimon pointed out, ESC can be remapped to anything you want that could be easier for you to use.

If it is true that at first some of the shortcuts are a bit 'unnatural' and could feel like you type twice more to reach the same results as with using the keyboard-provided keys, in the long term, once you've mastered motion in Vim, you'll realise that it's tuely priceless and it does speed up your typing.

Good luck with it!

All the best;

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