> On 2/22/07, Tom Purl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Swaroop, could you please convert a few tips using your script and them
>> post them on the wiki?  I would love to see the final output.
> Looks like I can't add anything to the wiki until the admin adds me as
> part of the project :)

Wow, that jerk really needs to get on the ball :)

I can't add you as a project participant unless you have a google
account.  If you have a google id, send it to me and I'll add you as a
participant.  If not, then you can sign up for one if you'd like.
Otherwise, I'm sure that the other participants (so far:  just me) in
the project would be happy to add stuff to the wiki if it's emailed to

> Here's the output of the script for tip 1504 :
> -------------------------------------------
> Tip 1504
> Authored by Tim Keating
> Created on February 6, 2007 9:16
> Complexity is basic
> Version of Vim required is ''
> <code>If you want to execute an external command on Windows, you need
> to know one trick. Let's say you're building a command to check out
> the file you're working on (using Perforce as an example):
> <br /> <br />map &lt;f6&gt;:!p4 edit %
> <br /> <br />However, that will just populate the command line. To
> force the command to execute without having to hit Enter, you need to
> embed a CR/LF. On Linux, you do this with CTRL+V CTRL+M. On Windows
> (as of version 7; not sure how far back this goes), CTRL+V is mapped
> to &quot;Paste from Windows Clipboard&quot;. You have to use CTRL+Q
> instead:
> <br /> <br />map &lt;f6&gt;:!p4 edit %CTRL+Q CTRL+M
> <br /> <br />Which will look like:
> <br /> <br />map &lt;f6&gt;:!p4 edit %^M</code>
> -------------------------------------------

Fantastic!  I pasted this as-is into the wiki and here are the results:

* http://code.google.com/p/vimtips/wiki/1504_External_commands_on_Windows

We need to replace the <code> tags with triple braces as a start.  Also,
we may want to add bullet points to the metadata fields.

Here's a reference to the wiki markup:

* http://code.google.com/p/support/wiki/WikiSyntax

Please note that they don't use HTML markup.  Instead, they use a markup
language that seems to be a simplified mixture of MoinMoin and Mediawiki

Thanks again Swaroop!  This has been extremely helpful.

Tom Purl

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