>Does vim have the concept of a project of files? I like the project
>drawer to the left of the editing window which shows the files and
>directory structure on my hard drive.

I have no idea, as I never used any such critter, but I'm sure it can be
done (or *has* been done;  just look for any scripts and/or ask here for

Eg, a little project I was doing yesterday was with a little 'lex'
script that I wanted to turn an input file to a particular form of
output file, and compare that with a manually-fixed output file.  So in
one window was my 'fooey.lex' file.  In another was a 'vimdiff' of
program output and manually-fixed files.  A 'go.bat' file did the
compile, pause (to see if any errors/warnings), and run.

I'm editing the file, do a


to run the batch file, then switch windows to see the diffs.  'vim'
autodetects any changes and prompts for a reload.  From there, how many
folds, etc., tells me how close I'm getting to the target.  :D  Once I
see *only* a fold-line of 373 lines of files, and nothing else, do I
know I got a 100% match.

Dunno if that qualifies as a "project", but it works for me...

>Are there good syntax highlighters for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, C, Lisp?
>I see there are indentation packages for C and Lisp, what about HTML,
>CSS and JavaScript? If I have multiple files open with different
>does vim know which file goes with which language by the filename
>extension and use the appropriate indentation and highlighting?

Built-in support and highlighting for all those files and oodles more.
I've got issues with .js file support, as that seems hit-or-miss (mostly
miss), but I haven't been bothered enough by it to attempt any fix.
.html/.css is spot-on, from my experience with it.

Yeah, each file is autodetected, and can be overrode/overrided/whatever
manually if need be (eg, my .js output having a .out suffix)

>Are there code completion bundles available for HTML, CSS and

Would be nice, but I haven't looked.

>Sorry for all the question. Diving into vim is a bit bewildering as it
>doesn't come as complete (as far as I know) as Textmate or other GUI
>editors seem to.


I'm not sure what you mean by "complete", but 'vim' is practically a
whole OS wrapped around a text-editor!

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