I want :bprev to take me to the most-recently-used buffer but I can't
see a way to do that. It always follows the order in which the buffers
where loaded.

I use :bnext and :bprev (mapped to cntl--> and cntl-<-) to cycle through
my buffer ring. However, it always cycles the same way; I would like
:bprev to take me to the last buffer that I was using. In other words,
when I pick a new buffer for my focus, I would like it to move to the
"front" of the ring. I guess I want it treated more like a stack than a
ring. Is there a way to change the behaviour of :bnext/:bprev to select
buffers using a different heuristic?

Say my buffers are:
1 A
2 B
3 C
4 D
5 E

I'm looking at 'A'. Now I want to look at 'D' and I select it via the
buffer menu. I want my ring to be adjusted to look like:
1 D
2 A
3 B
4 C
5 E

Now, when I do :bprev, I'll be taken back to 'A'. From 'A', :bnext would
take me to 'D'.
I looked at the variants of :bnext/:bprev but didn't see one that does
what I want.

What is the best way to get my desired behaviour?

Keith Hanlan
Ottawa, Canada

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