Michael Phillips wrote:

Would someone please explain the usage of @=.  I am getting confuse from the
help file.
Since TimC gave a good explanation, I won't attempt to repeat it. However, if you're wanting to do Boolean-logic pattern matching, please check out LogiPat, available at my website:


or at



   :LogiPat "abc"
       will search for lines containing the string "abc"

   :LogiPat !"abc"
       will search for lines which don't contain the string "abc"

   :LogiPat "abc"|"def"
      will search for lines which contain either the string
       "abc" or the string "def"

   :LogiPat !("abc"|"def")
       will search for lines which don't contain either
       of the strings "abc" or "def"

   :LogiPat "abc"&"def"
       will search for lines which contain both of the strings
       "abc" and "def"

   :let pat= LogiPat('!"abc"')
       will return the regular expression which will match
       all lines not containing "abc".  The double quotes
       are needed to pass normal patterns to LogiPat, and
       differentiate such patterns from boolean logic
Chip Campbell

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