Vigil wrote:

> On Sun, 25 Mar 2007, Bram Moolenaar wrote:
> > You apparently really want to pass ${*} to the shell command.  The help
> > for makeprg explains replacing $* with the name of the file, but you use
> > "%" for that.
> My help says that $* is replaced with the arguments, which I take to
> mean -T in my example:
>          The placeholder "$*" can be given (even multiple times) to specify
>          where the arguments will be included
> It doesn't say anything about the filename. Maybe it needs to
> distinguish which arguments it is referring to.

Sorry, "$*" is indeed replaced by the ":make" arguments, not the file name.

> > This probably also works:
> >
> >    setlocal makeprg=/usr/share/vim/vim70/tools/\ -c\ -w\ $*
> Nope. When I replace with, a simple script that 
> outputs the arguments it was called with, and I have
>       set makeprg=~/.vim/tools/\ -c\ -w\ ${*}\ %
> and I call ":make" on the file that I have open (''), 
> outputs
>       Called with: -c -w
> When I call it with ":make -T", it outputs
>       Called with: -c -w -T

What happens here is that ${*} is changed by the shell to an empty
string.  Then % is changed to the file name, and the other arguments
follow, since you don't use $*.  If you leave out ${*} you get the same

> Now, if I change the makeprg thus:
>       set makeprg=~/.vim/tools/\ -c\ -w\ $*
> and call ":make":
>       Called with: -c -w
> and ":make -T":
>       Called with: -c -w -T
> As you can see, the filename of the current buffer is not passed to the 
> makeprg.

No, but the argument is.  Thus these two are equivalent:

        set makeprg=~/.vim/tools/\ -c\ -w\ % $*
        set makeprg=~/.vim/tools/\ -c\ -w\ %

Because when $* is not used you get the arguments anyway.

> Further experimentation reveals that the order of "%\ ${*}" or "${*}\
> %" makes no difference to the arguments that is passed,
> nor their order.  Indeed, ${*} is superfluous, but it does seem that I
> need % to substitute both the filename AND any arguments I give to
> :make.
> $* and all variations of braces in and around it, just doesn't work.
>       This option may contain '%' and '#' characters, which are
>       expanded like when used in a command-line.
> I think that needs explaining a bit more. To me, % is used when
> specifying the entire range of the file on the vim command line, and #
> prints lines with their respective line numbers :/

This refers to using them in an argument.  That should be mentioned,
I'll adjust the text.

It is illegal for anyone to give lighted cigars to dogs, cats, and other
domesticated animal kept as pets.
                [real standing law in Illinois, United States of America]

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