It looks like it might take a script to do this.  I would need to check
if any open gvim window contains the tag being searched for.  If so, I
would make that window active and jump to the tag.  If not and the tag
reference exists, I would open a new gvim window at the tag location.

Anyone have suggestions as to how to do this?  Or know of a script that
does something similar to this?


> On 2007-03-23, "Waters, Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This gets me close to what I want...
>      nnoremap <2-LeftMouse> :!start gvim -t <cword><CR>
> The only problem is that it will start up a new gvim even if the tag
is in
> the file that I started from. So, you get the same file opened twice,
in two
> windows.
> Anybody know how to avoid that?
> --Bill
> On 2007-03-23, "Waters, Bill" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> When I jump to a tag reference in a different file, can I have VIM
open that
> file in a new Microsoft Window?  As it works now, I jump to the new
file in
> the same VIM session.  I have three problems with that:
> 1. VIM will not jump to the tag unless all of the changes in my
current file
> have been saved.
> 2. When I jump to the new file, I loose the undo buffer for the
> file.
> 3. I would prefer to look at the new file in a separate, side-by-side
> Microsoft Window.
> I see how I can jump to a new split window in the current VIM session,
> that is not preferred/ideal.
> Thanks,
> Bill

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