> I attempted to map this code ":set nobackup" to an 'Fx' key,
> (as a line in my .vimrc) with no good results; the formats I
> attempted were:
> map <F3> :set nobackup <return> map <F3> ":set nobackup"
> <return>
> Actually, I just yanked/put the preceding line* (which I KNOW
> works), and modified it:
> *map <silent> <F2> :nohlsearch <return>
> with the thought that it would be easier to leave a correctly
> functioning line (after the modifications), coming from
> something that's already valid.
> But...of course not.  Where did I go wrong?

It looks like you're using <return> instead of <cr>.  Try the

        :nnoremap <f2> :nohls<cr>


        :nnoremap <silent> <f2> :nohls<cr>

It works for me.  If you have trouble, you might try digging
around in your vimrc to see what might be causing the problem.


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