Thanks for the response.  But, I gotta apologize...

Reading over my original question, I realize that it was awfully obtuse and 
confusing.  The 'nohlsearch' line is the one that is already in my .vimrc and 
works.  I yanked/put it to the next line down to use it as a template, modifing 
it to:

map <F3> :set nobackup <return>

that's the one that doesn't work (the <return> part-obviously-works with my 
original line).

I did notice that the highlighting recognized the word 'set' as a command, but 
did not recognize 'nobackup', which remained white (black?).  Thus, I tried:

map <F3> ":set nobackup" <return>

with no better luck.  Sorry for creating the confusion.

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