Jürgen Krämer wrote:
Nice idea (esp. the recursion), but alas it's not that simple, because
the pattern only accepts wildcards (not regular expressions) and if it
did, the subpatterns would probably not be recognized in the command.
But your command gave me an idea -- the following should work

  au FileType *.* exe substitute(expand('<amatch>'),
                  \              '^\(.*\)\.\(.*\)$',
                  \              'doau FileType \1 | doau FileType \2',
                  \              '')
('cindent' is set by the indent/c.vim plugin).


additional question: does ":doau" work in an autocommand or does it require a "nested" flag somewhere?

Best regards,
It was one of those perfect summer days -- the sun was shining, a
breeze was blowing, the birds were singing, and the lawn mower was
broken ...
                -- James Dent

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