> I'll just add a statement enabling this for certain languages

Can someone provide an example of how to enable this for a certain
language?  I assume that it is a condition around the "remap" in your

-----Original Message-----
From: Waters, Bill 
Sent: Monday, April 02, 2007 1:42 PM
To: Greg Fitzgerald; A.J.Mechelynck
Cc: vim@vim.org
Subject: RE: bracket completion

Can you provide and example of how to do this?


> >
> >    :inoremap { {<CR>}<Up><End>
> >    :inoremap [ []<Left>
> >    :inoremap ( ()<Left>
> >
> I'll just add a statment enabling this for certain languages. This has
> also giving me a couple new ideas to play with. Thanks again. :)
> --Greg

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