
On 4/15/07, Pavel Shevaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I often type in vim using cp1251 charset under windows and currently I
have to switch to english charset every time I need to execute any
action in command mode which is quite inconvenient.

For example I have "ш" Russian symbol along with "i" on the same
button on my keyboard. It would be very nice if while in command mode
"ш" would actually map to "i". The same story with other keys. Thus I
won't have to switch to ascii in command mode.

If you internal encoding is 8-bit one (eg cp1251), then

 set langmap=very_long_list_of_letter_pairs

works fine. Unfortunately this doesn't fork if internal encoding is
utf-8. In later case,

 set keymap=russian-jcukenwin

works fine. The later has a minor disadvantage -- you need
vim-specific keyboard switch instead of standard WIndows one, but
after a shot time you will get used of this, and it is really handy.

Cyril Slobin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> `When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said,
<http://45.free.net/~slobin> `it means just what I choose it to mean'

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