
I'm doing some reading on vim.org in the documentation areas and found
that the ability to browse a directory from within a buffer is
actually accomplished by plugins rather than being built into the vim
binary.  I didn't know this.  So, what plugin is it that accomplishes
what is referenced here

The documentation says that it's distributed with vim.  However, I
installed vim using the FreeBSD ports system on my FreeBSD system and
this pluglin, apparently, isn't installed along with the rest of vim.

While browsing for the plugin, I've found all sorts of plugins, but
the descriptions don't seem to match what this describes (or the
behavior I'm used to because I use the feature a lot in Linux).  I'm
seeing minibufexplr.vim, bufexplorer.vim, SelectBuf.vim and a pluthra
of others, but the closest I've found yet is winmanager.vim.  However,
like I said, it doesn't sound quite like what I'm looking for and I'm
hoping someone here knows the plugin I need.


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