Gary Johnson wrote:
On 2007-04-23, Andrew Falanga <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 On 4/23/07, Taylor Venable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Do you mean the ability to "edit" a directory and read its contents?

The documentation says that it's distributed with vim.  However, I
installed vim using the FreeBSD ports system on my FreeBSD system and
this pluglin, apparently, isn't installed along with the rest of vim.
That's odd.  The FreeBSD ports build method for Vim is simply to
download the patches, apply them, and do a standard build.  To my
knowledge, nothing is removed.  One possibility I can think of: did you
build a "LITE" version?  (Using `make -DLITE install` for example.)

What leads you to believe that this functionality isn't present?  Do
you get some sort of error messages when you try to do something?

 Every time I do something like, "gvim ." or "vim .", when vim loads on
 the bottom of the screen I get ". is a directory" and there's nothing
 in the window to actually "edit."

 I did do some searching on the install I did.  I did not do a "-lite"
 version in the ports tree.  I did my install from
 /usr/ports/editors/vim (there's a .../vim-lite in the same directory
 of editors).  I also found the netrw plugin referenced by Chip to
 exist in /usr/local/share/vim/vim70/plugin.  According to what I've
 been able to determine, this should be sourced by vim when vim is
 executed.  However, try as I have to remember, I do not recall the
 command to list the files vim sourced on startup.  Can you provide
 that for me?


Make sure you have a _current_ version of the netrw plugin and that
you have installed it according to Dr. Chip's instructions (earlier
in this thread).  Depending on the versions of the runtime files you
originally installed, it may not be sufficient to download and
install netrw.vba--you may also have to disable the current netrw
files under the $VIMRUNTIME directory.

I install vim on a variety of different machines and every now and
then I forget to properly update netrw.  When I do, the symptoms are
as you describe.


Downloading the patches is enough for the Vim binary. It is, however, usually not enough for the runtime files, because runtime file upgrades are only rarely reflected in the patches. Whenever a new patch is published (and sometimes oftener that that), I update my runtime files. You seem to be (like me) on a Unix-like system; what I use is (all on one line, and starting in the vim70 directory "for building", parent of src/ runtime/ etc.)

rsync -avzcP --delete --exclude="/dos/" ./runtime/ 2>&1 | tee rsync.log

Then (if I compile immediately afterwards) it will be installed as part of "make", or (if I don't compile) as part of "cd src && make installruntime".

The above installs the latest versions from the Vim site. They are sometimes slightly out-of-date in relation to the versions on Dr. Chip's site, but not much, and this way I don't have to remove the versions from Dr. Chip's site from $VIM/vimfiles/... or $HOME/.vim/... once the versions from the official Vim site catch up with them.

Best regards,
hundred-and-one symptoms of being an internet addict:
194. Your business cards contain your e-mail and home page address.

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