Simon Butler wrote:
hi, when i write this skill (cadence extension language) fragment in
emacs i get the following:
procedure( vscCheckpointHier( @key lib cell view message inclibs )
let(( ddCVs )
vscPrint0(sprintf( nil "Hierarchy for %s,%s,%s ..." lib cell
view ))
when( ddCVs = vscGetHierarchyDDs( ?lib lib ?cell cell ?view view
?inclibs inclibs )
vscPrint0(sprintf( nil " %d cellviews." length(ddCVs) ))
vscCheckpoint( ddCVs ?message message)
); when ddCVs
); let
); procedure vscCheckpointHier
Notice all the comments placed on the closing brackets. Is there a way
to make vim do this?
In Vimscript, IIUC what you mean, a comment starts with a double quote. Most
statements accept a comment after them; a few don't, because they see the
quote as part of their arguments. See ":help :quote".
There is a workaround to add comments even after the commands (such as :map)
which don't accept them (see ":help :comment"):
exe 'map <F9> <C-]>' |" find tag under cursor
So you could do (not sure whether I read emacs syntax correctly, but the
following should give you a notion of what is possible):
function vscCheckpointHere(key, lib, cell, view, message, inclibs)
let ddCVS = vscPrint0(printf("Hierarchy for %s, %s, %s ...",
\ a:lib, a:cell, a:view))
if ddCVS == vscGetHierarchyDDs(a:lib, a:cell, a:view, a:inclibs)
let ddCVS = vscPrint0(printf(" %d cellviews.", length(ddCVS))
call vsCheckpoint(a:message)
endif " ddCVS
" endfunction vsCheckpointHere
(I'm not sure whether or not a comment is allowed after ":endfunction", see
":help :endfunction")
If your vim code is properly indented, you might also have less need for this
kind of comments.
Best regards,