Simon Butler schrieb:

hi, when i write this skill (cadence extension language) fragment in emacs i get the following:

procedure( vscCheckpointHier( @key lib cell view message inclibs )
    let(( ddCVs )
vscPrint0(sprintf( nil "Hierarchy for %s,%s,%s ..." lib cell view ))
        when( ddCVs = vscGetHierarchyDDs( ?lib lib ?cell cell ?view view
                                          ?inclibs inclibs )
            vscPrint0(sprintf( nil "  %d cellviews." length(ddCVs) ))
            vscCheckpoint( ddCVs ?message message)
        ); when ddCVs
    ); let
); procedure vscCheckpointHier

Notice all the comments placed on the closing brackets. Is there a way to make vim do this?


Yep.  I just felt the challenge, so I wrote the attached script.
I don't know skill, but I think this comes close to what you want.
Core elements:
  :imap <expr> ; ...
Hopefully, filetype "skill" is what you currently use for those
kind of files.


" Vim filetype plugin code snippet
" Language: skill (cadence extension language)
" File:     skill_comment.vim
" Date:     2007 Mai 14
" Author:   Andy Wokula <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
" Description: 
"   After inserting ");", insert the word located before the matching
"   opening paren; for some keywords also add their argument.  To work
"   properly, all must be found on the same line.
" Installation: (suggestion)
" 1. make sure filetype "skill" is detected
" 2. copy this script to ~/.vim/
"    (to the first entry of 'runtimepath')
" 3. :edit
"       ~/.vim/after/ftplugin/skill.vim
"    add the following line:
"       runtime skill_comment.vim
" - ignore ");" in comments
" - ignore (possibly unbalanced) parens in comments
" - extend s:keywords

if v:version < 700
    " sorry, Vim7 required

" Mapping for ";" in Insert mode
ino <buffer><expr> ; <sid>CloseKeyword()

" search for arguments to these keywords:
let s:keywords = ['procedure', 'when']
" (to be extended)

function! <sid>CloseKeyword()
    if getline(".")[col(".")-2] != ')'
        " if char just before ";" is not ")"
        return ";"
        " (Note: first getline index is 0, first col is 1)
    " move cursor to closing paren (this is allowed)
    call cursor(".", col(".")-1)
    " get position of matching paren:
    let pomp = searchpairpos('(','',')','bW')
    " [line, column]
    if !pomp[0]
        return ";"
    " getline of matching paren
    let glineomp = getline(pomp[0])
    " get matching keyword:
    let word = matchstr(glineomp[: pomp[1]-2], '\k\+\ze\s*$')
    if word == ""
        return ";"
    if match(s:keywords, '\<'.word.'\>') >= 0
        " search for argument
        let kwarg = matchstr(glineomp, '\k\+', pomp[1])
        " omit trailing space if no argument found
        return "; " . word . (kwarg!="" ? " ".kwarg : "")
        return "; " . word

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