Sebastian Menge has graciously created a Mediawiki template that could
be used with the proposed Vim wiki.  Here's a link to the template:


This is the "wrapper" for the actual tip content.  Here's an example of
some plain-text content:

    |title=Tip #1 - the super star
    |created=February 24, 2001 14:47
    |author=scott at
    When a discussion started about learning vim on the vim list Juergen
    Salk mentioned the "*" key as something that he wished he had
    know earlier. When I read the mail I had to go help on what the heck the
    &quot;*&quot; did. I also wish I had known earlier...<br><br>Using the
    &quot;*&quot; key while in normal mode searches for the word under the
    cursor.<br><br>If that doesn't save you a lot of typing, I don't know
    what will.

When you combine this content with the template on the wiki, you get the


The big benefit of using a wiki template is that it separates the
content from the presentation, which can be very nice from the
perspective of a sysadmin or tip converter.

The disadvantage, in my eyes, of using wiki templates is that it adds
another barrier to entry for potential tip authors/editors.  Not only
would they have to know how to do basic Mediawiki editing, but they
would also have to know how to use templates.  Also, in my opinion, it
is more difficult to edit the content when it's "squished" into a

So far, we know about the opinions of me and Sebastian.  What does
everyone else think?  Is the template thing a good idea for our wiki?

Thanks again!

Tom Purl

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