Am Mittwoch 16 Mai 2007 schrieb John Beckett:

> A wiki discussion page (as you know!) is intended for people to
> discuss the future of the page.

And most valuable comments are about improving the tip.

>  However, we hope that will be temporary. Perhaps I
> should say that *I* hope it will be temporary because I see that
> the proposed sample has a section for Comments.

As long at the comments are not to archived for ever on the main page I guess 
it is Ok.

> (easier than editing the main page and
> the discussion page, because once a comment is dealt with, it
> would have to be removed from the discussion page).

Well, on most Wikibooks comments are seldom cleaned up. They are just left to 
rot. And since there are not on the main page it does not matter.

Martin Krischik

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