>On 5/21/07, Mike Hansen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Oh great VIM gurus.
>> With VIM 7.# on Windows, I can't seem to get the Omni complete to
>> for Python for my own modules written in python. Omni complete seems
>> work for standard library modules, but not for modules that I have in
>> the same directory as the source I'm editing. I have a tags file in
>> same directory as the python source. When I try to Omni complete, I
>> "Pattern not found". If I do a :version, I see +python/dyn. If I do
>> import sys;print sys.version, I see 2.4.4.
>> How do I get Omni complete to work for Python on Windows?
>> Does anyone have any ideas on this?

>Hmm, could you provide a test case (some example files) so that I can
>reproduce this?

Sorry I didn't get this message earlier. I just got a message from the
ezmlm program that several messages from the vim list bounced. I then
decided to look at the list on the web, and your reply was there.

I think I solved it. I have been doing development of a web application
on my Windows PC for an app that runs on Linux. I have a mapped
drive(using SAMBA) to the Linux server where the source code resides.
I've been editing the files on the Linux server from my Windows version
of VIM. Omni complete wasn't working except for standard library
modules. I did a simple test on Windows by creating a simple module,
running ctags, then creating another python file and importing the
module, and Omni complete worked. I did the same test with the files
sitting on the mapped drive, and it worked too. That lead me to believe
that there was something different about my web application. Well, there
were three 3rd party modules that were installed on the Linux server,
but they were not installed on my Windows PC. I installed them on my
Windows PC, and now Omni complete works much better than before. Lesson

I tried running VIM on a putty session to the Linux server, but it was
somewhat sluggish. I also tried running XMing on my Windows PC and
launching gvim from the Linux server, but that was sluggish too. Running
VIM from my Windows PC to the mapped drive to the Linux server seems to
work best. I just have to watch the line endings, but that's usually not
much of an issue.(set ff=unix)


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