So, nobody has any comments on this?  I get the same behavior when I
start gvim with "-u NONE -U NONE".

-----Original Message-----
From: Waters, Bill 
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 1:01 PM
To: vim
Subject: Remapping mouse-wheel

Is there a way to map mouse-wheel to CTRL-mouse-wheel?

I tried this...

map <MouseUp> <C-MouseUp>
map <MouseDown> <C-MouseDown

And this...

nnoremap <MouseUp> <C-MouseUp>
nnoremap <MouseDown> <C-MouseDown

But it doesn't work the same as when I manually hold down Ctrl while
using the mouse wheel.

When I have a split window (horizontal or vertical), the mouse wheel
only works in one of the two splits.  It works in either (as it should)
when I do a CTRL-mouse-wheel.  I am looking for a work-around to this


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